Japan’s Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, first commissioned in 1971, was one of the 15 largest nuclear power stations in …
We first want to thank Fox News for FINALLY reporting on a subject that has been highly censored by the …
There are times when I’m convinced humanity is a suicidal cult of complete idiots whose only real achievement is figuring …
Radiation levels inside a damaged nuclear reactor at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant in Japan have hit a record …
For the first time, seaborne radiation from Japan’s Fukushima nuclear disaster has been detected on the West Coast of the …
My recent post on the spread of radiation stemming from the Fukushima nuclear accident drew quite a few questioning comments. Specifically …
Japan’s estimate of dismantling the Fukushima nuclear plant is ballooning far beyond the utility’s estimate of 2 trillion yen ($19 …
(CNN)Some families have at least one relative who’s either odd or eccentric. Others boast family members of a more unusual …
This time, those grant-fattened scientists are making people poor! Article by rt.com Local fisheries have begun a debris cleanup near …